Open to the blissfull swappers
WTA stands for “Winner Takes All.”
This isn’t a contest and you don’t need to upload any photos.
How do you play? Each player emails me with the kind of ATC
they would like to receive. eg. blue , Easter, stream punkEvery month I will choose a winner from the list on the blog using and then sent the winners mailing address via email
The lottery will be open until the 10th of each month..I will pull the name on the 11th and email everyone who took part.
Your ATC should arrive BEFORE 31st of that month.
On the 1st of the month I will open a new lottery
Every player in the round must send an ATC to the winner.
Senders must email me with the date they send the ATC to the winner.
The winner will post all they winnings on their blog.
Remember, you can’t win if you don’t play! subject WTA.
Well is sent my bid in. Great idea.
love this idea so much...thank you for the fun!!!
Cool Idea!